Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How to make Box of Life: Classroom

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!
I created this craft a few weeks ago. With this kind of craft, you can make it with any theme that you like but today, Red Craft is going to show you how to make basic Box of Life with the first theme that is CLASSROOM!

What you need:
Basic Box of Life
1) A black, A4 paper
2) A piece of blue-coloured paper ( or any other colour)
3) Glue
4) A pair of scissors / Paper cutter
5) Pencil
6) Ruler
7) Eraser

Decoration for the classroom
I drew a set of table and chair using Paint in my computer. I copied the picture and pasted it in Microsoft Word. Then, I printed it.

Steps in making Box of Life: Classroom :

1) Take your A4, black-coloured paper and measure 12x23 cm rectangle on the paper.
Cut the paper.

2) Fold the paper so that it looks like a box as shown. You can choose your own length and width of the box. Crease well.

3) Open up the box and lay it flat. Take your ruler and measure 6cm height as shown.

4)Fold the box again and draw a vertical line that divides the area above the line made earlier equally.

5) Draw two lines that meet each other at the vertical line. Now, it looks like a triangle. We are actually making the roof of the class.

6) Open up the box. Cut the paper according to the lines made. (cut the white line)

7) Now, we get something that looks like this. Erase the lines that you have made earlier. Draw a small rectangle under the triangle (roof).

8) Cut the rectangle drawn.

9) Apply some glue at end of the paper and fold it into a box again. Press the glued area firmly.

Now you get a box with a roof!

10) Use your coloured paper to decorate your classroom.

11) Now, take your ruler and measure the length of X as shown.

12) Add 2cm to the length measured. Let the new length be Ycm. Take your remaining black-coloured paper and measure Yx10cm. Cut the paper. Notice that 1cm length at the right and left edges of the paper are folded. You'll get two flaps at the edge of the paper.

Notice that the paper can be placed in the box nicely.

13) Cut the black paper into 1.5cm strips.

14) Now, you can use these strips as the lanes in the box. I cut the pictures of the tables and chairs and pasted them on the strips. You can draw your own tables and chairs using Paint or you can just draw them by hand. You'll get something like this!

15) As my box was quite small, I used three strips only. You can use more if you want. Apply some glue at both of the flaps and place them in the box. I placed the strips in an acsending pattern.

There you have it, a classroom!

Useful tips:
1) You can use your own creativity to make nicer chairs and tables.
2) You might also want to add other items to your classroom such as blackboard, cupboard or even a door.

Today's tutorial might be quite confusing. Feel free to ask me anything. :->

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